Alessandro Bellucci
Socio #466

I am a member of the  Mountain QRP Club "MQC", Summits on the Air "SOTA UK", Parks On The Air "POTA" and of the Italian Radio Amateurs Association "ARI". Amateur radio since 1978, technical studies and always passionate about radio. IT manager in two motorway companies until 2022, now retired.

I am mainly active in HF, SSB - CW - FT8/4 and V-UHF SSB and FM (QRV R1 145.625 IR5H Livorno), POTA - AWARDS MQC - SOTA, digital DMR-C4FM-D-Star, QRV TG 22251 (Toscana) and 22209 (ITA CHAT DMR). ISS Packet/APRS and FM transponder.

I have three radios that I do outdoor activations with, two Yaesu, one FT-857D and the other FT-897D, plus a